Greater London, North West England
Change-maker, connector, collaborator and event creator with about 20 years of experience as a sustainability and social innovation professional.
Contact have worked in the Public Sector, NGOs, and with business leaders to make better things happen. I love working with outdoor adventure and retreat specialists; matching my love of biking and boarding with better business.
You can find me on my bike up the mountains around Innsbruck where I live with my husband and two children.
Business Products & Services, Consumer Products & Services
SME, Start-up
Employees, Governance, Environment, Supply Chain
Mike Barclay, Director of Ludicology
"Alice is adept at seeking out creative people and championing those with new ideas or ways of working. As a highly motivated change maker, with a unique ability for motivating others to do the same, she is a natural collaborator and her enthusiasm for cooperative working is contagious. Alice is a creator and facilitator of networks and understands how to get people involved and inspired. As consequence Alice has been at the center of some of the most innovative initiatives in our region."
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