East Midlands, East of England, Greater London, South East England, West Midlands
Bill is an experienced CEO, CFO and business coach with over 40 years working mainly with SME’s and turnarounds
Contact https://www.linkedin.com/in/balexander7An experienced CEO and CFO with over 40 years working mainly with SME’s and turnarounds. Key companies include KPMG, Mars, Diagio, United Carriers, Metroline and Redletterdays.
As CEO of Redletterdays, working for Peter Jones and Theo Paphitis, he took the company from administration in 2005 through to a successful sale in 2017. In that period, turnover rose to £30m and profits to just over £2m. The business operated within three channels, Online, B2B and High Street retail. Turnover and profits rose in every year, with growth of 30% in 2017.
Over the past 3 years he has focused on his two passions, mentoring businesses whilst becoming an experienced climate change ambassador. He undertook the Al Gore climate training in Atlanta, and this has naturally led to him becoming a B Leader. His current business, Motivates Inc, is currently progressing to becoming a B Corp.
Business Products & Services, Consumer Products & Services, Health & Human Services, Retail, Transportation & Logistics
SME, Start-up, Large
Employees, Governance, Environment, Diversity & Inclusion, Legal
Feb 2021
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